
News Update


Brittany: An 11-year-old British girl was killed in France.

Following a reported altercation between neighbors in northwestern France, an 11-year-old girl from a British household was shot dead.

According to French media, the girl’s parents were harmed, and her eight-year-old sister was in “shock.”

The Foreign Office of the United Kingdom said it was assisting a British family following a shooting in France.

The event occurred on Saturday evening in Saint-Herbot, a Brittany village near Quimper.

According to local media, the suspect, who is said to be a Dutch national, and his wife have been apprehended.

Local prosecutor Carine Halley said the cause of the tragedy was unknown, but it appeared that the neighbors had been feuding for some years over a plot of land adjacent to the two residences.

“We knew the family well,” said Marguerite Bleuzen, mayor of Plonévez-du-Faou commune. Every year, there is a village fête, and they always attend.

“It’s inexcusable to have shot a child.” Nobody knows how that could have happened.”


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