
News Update


Hundreds of evicted Germans are preparing to depart Russia.

Hundreds of Germans working in education and culture will be expelled from Russia next month, according to the German foreign ministry.

It confirmed media reports that Russia has decided to impose a quota on the number of German personnel beginning in June.

Teachers from the German school in Moscow and members of the Goethe Institute cultural group are among them.

The action comes after tit-for-tat expulsions of ambassadors and deteriorating ties between Russia and Germany.


Russia and Germany both labeled 40 staffers of their respective embassies personae non grata and expelled them last month.

According to the German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, the newest move will effect a “low-to-mid three-digit number” of personnel, including diplomats.

“In light of this unilateral, unjustified, and incomprehensible decision,” the German foreign ministry told the newspaper, “the Federal Government is now concerned with ensuring a minimum presence of intermediaries in Russia while also maintaining a diplomatic presence.”

When deciding on the maximum number of Russians allowed in Germany, the ministry stated that it would strive for actual balance in practice.

Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict, several EU nations have dismissed Russian ambassadors. In March 2022, four EU countries issued expulsion orders to more than 40 ambassadors suspected of spying.


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