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NATO denounces Russia’s “dangerous” nuclear rhetoric

Once Vladimir Putin decided to place tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, Nato denounced Russia’s “dangerous” and “irresponsible” language.

The organization stated that it was “closely monitoring” the development and that it would not be changing its own nuclear policy as a result of the action.

According to the US, Russia is not ready to deploy nuclear weapons.

Belarus borders Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia in addition to the other NATO nations.

In order to confront the potential threat posed by President Putin’s announcement on Saturday, Ukraine has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council.

President Putin stated that Moscow would not be turning over control of its armed forces to Minsk and that Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus and a staunch ally of the Kremlin who supported its invasion of Ukraine, had long brought up the subject with him.

But, Nato labeled Russia’s mention of sharing nuclear technology as “misleading” on Sunday.

A spokeswoman stated that NATO partners “operate with full respect of their international responsibilities.”

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Oleksiy Danilov predicted that Belarusian anti-Russian sentiment would intensify in a tweet, calling Russia’s preparations a “move towards internal destabilization.”

For the first time since the middle of the 1990s, Moscow will have nuclear weapons bases outside of its borders.

Weapons were based in four newly independent republics when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The transfer of all warheads to Russia was completed in 1996.

Beginning the following week, Russia will begin training crews to use the weapons. According to President Putin, a facility in Belarus will be ready to store tactical nuclear weapons by July 1.


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