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Russell Brand: Comedian appears disturbed during performance but receives standing ovation from fans

Russell Brand was speaking to a crowd of 2,000 people at the Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre as part of his Bipolarisation tour, but this was no ordinary performance for the comedian-turned-wellness-guru.

The 48-year-old had been accused of rape, sexual assaults, and emotional abuse just hours before in a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, the Times, and Channel 4’s Dispatches.

Brand had previously vehemently refuted the charges in a video broadcast to his YouTube account. However, his attendance at the sold-out show in north-west London was his first public appearance since the allegations were made public.

I was pretty confident the show would be canceled before it even started.

Then there came an announcement that Brand was stuck in traffic on his way to the venue, and we waited.

A woman in the throng brandished a large piece of paper with the top sentence reading, “We stand by you.” She requested that security make certain that it was provided to the comic.

Fans of Brand could be heard expressing their disdain for the mainstream media in language that cannot be published here.

The show then began shortly after 20:00, one hour later than expected.

Brand took the stage to the song “You Don’t Own Me,” a feminist anthem from the 1960s performed by American singer-songwriter Lesley Gore.

“I appreciate you, I appreciate you,” he said, apologizing for being late due to a traffic delay.

He addressed to the audience, dressed in dark thin trousers, a dark shirt, and a dark jacket, “You came.”

Russell Brand, the celebrity accused of rape and sexual abuse, who is he?
Russell Brand has been charged with rape and sexual assault.”
“I really appreciate your support, I love you, and I want to do a fantastic show for you,” he stated after requesting them not to videotape.

“I have a lot of things to discuss with you. There are definitely some things that I cannot discuss, and I appreciate your understanding.”

Then there was laughter.

“I already adore you all. Let’s go, I’ll give you everything I’ve got.”

Brand got the gig off to a flying start.

He interspersed video snippets with stories about attempting to be a normal parent to his children, whom he’d been educating to question authority.

But he seemed distracted the entire time. He kept referring to pieces of paper in the second half of the show. He appeared to have lost his place at times, when he would talk about “freedom,” “transcendence,” and “authority.”

But he persisted, and the event concluded with a brief standing ovation. Before exiting the platform, he appeared moved by the gesture.

The audience exited cheerfully, until they were confronted by photographers and paparazzi outside.

“We should kick you off your ladder,” one of the comments was directed at them.

Brand has other shows planned across the country in the coming weeks and months; only time will tell if they will take place.


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