
News Update


Singapore executes a guy for distributing cannabis, according to Tangaraju Suppiah.

Despite appeals from his family, activists, and the United Nations, Singapore killed a man for conspiring to trade cannabis.

Tangaraju Suppiah, 46, was executed by hanging at Changi Prison before daybreak on Wednesday, according to his family.

Activists claimed he was convicted based on flimsy evidence and had minimal legal representation during his trial.

The authorities claimed he had received due process and chastised campaigners for calling the courts into question.

Singapore has some of the strictest anti-drug laws in the world, which it claims are a crucial deterrent to drug crime.

Last year, the country hanged 11 people on drug-related crimes, including an intellectually disabled man for heroin trafficking.

Tangaraju Suppiah’s family had assembled at the prison in the city’s east on Wednesday.

“The family said they weren’t going to give up on him until the very end.” “It’s been such a harrowing experience for them,” Kirsten Han, an anti-death penalty activist, told the BBC on Wednesday.

“There are still many unanswered questions about his case and the evidence against him.”

According to activists, Singapore’s strict drug policies and usage of the death penalty put it at odds with other countries in the region.

Malaysia, its neighbor, eliminated mandatory death sentences earlier this month, claiming they were ineffective as a deterrence to crime. Cannabis is no longer illegal in many parts of the world, including Thailand, where its trading is encouraged.

Tangaraju Suppiah’s family’s last-minute appeal against his 2018 conviction was dismissed by Singapore’s courts on Tuesday.

In recent days, they and campaigners handed letters to Singapore’s President Halimah Yacob pleading for clemency, while British billionaire Sir Richard Branson appealed for the execution to be halted and the case to be reviewed.

“I know my brother has done nothing wrong. “I implore the court to consider his case from the start,” the sentenced man’s sister, Leela Suppiah, told reporters on Sunday.


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