
News Update


US Vice President Joe Biden trips and falls during a Colorado engagement.

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden slipped and fell while handing out diplomas at the US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony in Colorado.

Mr. Biden, the nation’s oldest serving president at the age of 80, was observed being helped up and walked back to his seat unaided.

For over an hour and a half, the president had stood to shake hands with each of the 921 graduating cadets.

He slipped on a black sandbag, according to a White House press pool account.


Mr. Biden appears to point at the sandbag on stage after rising to his feet, according to video of the incident.

“He’s all right. “While he was shaking hands, there was a sandbag on stage,” White House communications director Ben LaBolt tweeted.

When the ceremony finished shortly after his fall, the president was spotted jogging back to his motorcade.

According to recent polls, a majority of US voters are concerned about the president’s age.


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