
News Update


Afghanistan has been rocked by its second earthquake in as many days.

The new 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Wednesday, 28 kilometers (17 miles) north of Herat.

According to health officials, more than 100 people were hurt and sent to the hospital.

The long-term damage is unknown, although many people were sleeping outside after their homes were demolished on Saturday.

According to humanitarian organizations, blankets, food, and other necessities are also in short supply.

An eyewitness said she awoke screaming and hurried out of her home in central Herat, where some houses still intact.

“I was in the deepest sleep because I hadn’t slept in the days before,” she was quoted as saying by the BBC.

“I have never felt so close to death,” she claimed, adding that she hurried barefoot to the city’s outskirts, where many people have been camping in tents since the first earthquake.

The earthquake struck Zindajan, a rural district 40 kilometers outside Herat, on Saturday morning.

Images from the communities show entire houses crushed to rubble because they were too frail to endure the shocks.

Afghanistan is prone to earthquakes, particularly in the Hindu Kush mountain range, which is near the meeting point of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates.


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