
News Update


Cas has postponed Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva’s doping hearing until November.

The hearing for Valieva’s failed drugs test, which occurred during the 2022 Winter Olympics, began on Tuesday.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) is appealing to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) against the results of a Russian Anti-Doping Agency (Rusada) investigation, which concluded Valieva bore “no fault or negligence” for the failed test.

Wada, along with the International Skating Union (ISU), stated earlier this year that they were “concerned” by the decision to clear Valieva and are appealing for a four-year suspension as well as the erasure of all her results from the date of sample collection on December 25, 2021.

In a statement, Cas stated: “After the presentation of evidence by the parties, the panel ordered the production of further documentation and, in order to allow the parties to consider and address such documentation, allowed two further days for the hearing of the appeal.”

Wada said on Thursday that it is not allowed to comment on the adjournment since the proceedings are private, but that it will “continue to push for a resolution of these proceedings as soon as possible.”

The hearing will resume on November 9 and 10 in Lausanne, Switzerland, when the panel will hear the closing submissions and make a decision.

Valieva tested positive for the banned cardiac medication trimetazidine during the Russian national championships in 2021, but the result was not revealed until 2022, the day after she helped her team win gold in Beijing.

When Cas lifted her interim ban, the then-15-year-old was allowed to compete in the singles event, but she fled the stadium in tears after falling and stumbling her way from first to fourth place.


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