
News Update


Australia is going to outlaw Nazi symbols nationally.

In an effort to combat far-right organizations, Australia has declared it would enact a countrywide ban on Nazi insignia. The penalty for displaying the SS or Swastika in public is up to a year in jail. The Nazi salute will…

Former Vice President Mike Pence enters the presidential race

Former US Vice-President Mike Pence has formally submitted paperwork to enter the Republican field of candidates for president, which is getting more and more crowded. On Wednesday in Iowa, a state with early voting, Mr. Pence, 63, will formally launch…

‘Offensive activities’ are underway in the east of Ukraine, according to Kyiv

According to the nation’s deputy defense minister Hanna Malyar, Ukrainian soldiers are “shifting to offensive actions” in some locations. According to BBC reports from Ukrainian military sources, a number of small-scale armoured assault actions are currently underway. They did not…

Deal on the debt ceiling reveals the flaws in McCarthy and Biden with their strong party positions.

President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy persuaded themselves to accept a compromise agreement to reduce government expenditure and add borrowed funds to the nearly empty treasury. They now have the more difficult challenge of persuading everyone else to…

Democrats and Republicans have reached an agreement in principle on the US debt ceiling, according to Joe Biden.

President Joe Biden and his Republican opponents have announced an in-principle agreement to raise the US debt ceiling and avoid a default. President Joe Biden called the deal a “compromise,” while House Speaker Kevin McCarthy claimed it was “worthy of…

Before his travel to Japan, Zelensky accused some Arab leaders of turning a blind eye to conflict.

Volodymyr Zelensky has accused several Arab leaders of “turning a blind eye” to Russia’s incursion in advance of his upcoming trip to the G7 in Japan. Mr. Zelensky will see President Biden “in the coming days,” according to Ukraine. Mr….

Ukraine war: The US will back Ukraine’s purchase of F1-6 fighter fighters.

The US says it will support sending modern fighter jets to Ukraine, including US-made F-16s, as well as training Ukrainian pilots to fly them. According to a senior White House official, President Biden informed G7 leaders in Japan of the…

Carrie Johnson, Boris Johnson’s wife, is expecting their third child.

Carrie Johnson, the wife of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, has announced that she is expecting her third child. Mrs Johnson shared the news on Instagram, saying she had been “pretty exhausted” over the past eight months, but “we can’t…

Russian scientists object to the ‘talented’ hypersonic researchers who were detained on treasonous grounds.

Members of a Russian scientific center have protested the arrest of three Russian scientists on treason charges and warned that the action has chilling effects on the community. According to an open letter issued this week by colleagues of the…

Rishi Sunak wishes to strengthen ties with Japan ahead of the G7 summit.

During a visit to Tokyo ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Rishi Sunak struck new defense and economic ties with Japan. The Prime Minister proposed a collaboration involving stronger UK-Japanese cooperation between armed forces, cyber-agencies, and semiconductor businesses while…