
News Update


Eurostar services from Amsterdam to London will be suspended for six months.

Because of renovations in Amsterdam, officials will be unable to handle cross-Channel passengers until 2025.

Passengers traveling from Amsterdam or Rotterdam to London will need to change trains at Brussels.

According to Eurostar, outbound traffic from London to the Netherlands will resume.

Negotiations between the Dutch government, the local trains operator, and Eurostar over repairs to Amsterdam’s central station fell through without a solution that would allow services to continue.

Four trains run daily from London to Amsterdam, stopping in Brussels and Rotterdam along the way.

The London-Amsterdam connection will be fully operational in October 2020.

The disruption is projected to last six months rather than twelve, according to a statement issued by Eurostar.

The link between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom is the fourth Eurostar connection to be canceled as the firm faces mounting issues such as post-Brexit border inspections and workforce shortages.


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