
News Update


Fucha: China reveals the arrest of a Taiwanese publisher for security reasons.

In yet another action against Taiwan-linked individuals on the Chinese mainland, China claims it is investigating a Taiwan-based publisher for allegedly “endangering national security.”

Li Yanhe, writing under the pen name Fucha, has written books critical of Beijing.

The announcement of Mr Li’s imprisonment by Beijing puts an end to days of conjecture regarding his whereabouts.

Taiwan has condemned China’s “arbitrary arrests” of Taiwan residents as violations of human rights.

The publisher’s detention was confirmed just one day after China stated it would pursue the founder of a pro-Taiwan independence party for suspected secession.

The book publisher, Mr Li, was born in China and moved to Taiwan in 2009. There, he established Gusa Press, which has published novels critical of Beijing.

According to friends, Mr Li travelled in China earlier this month to see family and participate in the traditional Chinese tomb-sweeping holiday, Qing Ming.

He went missing around a week ago, according to reports. Mr Li’s rights, according to Zhu Fenglian of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, will be protected during the probe.

Dozens of writers, academics, and activists have petitioned for his release.


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