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Li Keqiang: 68-year-old former Chinese premier passes away after a heart attack

According to state media, former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang passed away at the age of 68.

Before he retired last year, he was the second most prominent member of the Chinese Communist Party that is currently in control.

He was “resting” in Shanghai on Thursday when he suddenly had a heart attack, according to state media.

Despite “all-out efforts” to revive him, he passed away on Friday ten minutes past midnight, according to state television CCTV.

Despite lacking a basis of support, Li ascended through the party hierarchy and was once considered for the presidency.

He was first given control over China’s economy since he was a professional economist, but observers claimed that as Chinese President Xi Jinping consolidated authority, he started to lose more and more influence.

He was the only senior official in office during his last term who wasn’t a member of President Xi’s loyalty coalition.

Li was perceived as supporting former leader Hu Jintao, who was removed from the stage during the Party Congress of the previous year at Mr. Xi’s command.

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He gave Li Keqiang a pleasant tap on the shoulder as he was being led away, and the premier nodded in return.

Online, many are lamenting Li’s passing in great numbers. One user on Chinese social media compared Li’s passing to losing “a pillar of our home”.

The eminent leader, who attended Peking University, was well-known for his realistic views on economics, emphasizing the creation of affordable housing and closing the wealth gap.

Although China’s zero-Covid problem plagued Li towards the conclusion of his term in government, he will be recognized for his impressive performance in the economy.

He noted that the economy was under tremendous strain during its worst moments and urged policymakers to exercise caution so as not to allow limitations to stifle growth. He even made an appearance in public without a mask before China reversed its zero-Covid policy.

However, there was no contest when cadres had to pick between Mr. Xi’s directive to maintain zero-Covid with strict discipline and his mandate to save the economy.

Professor Bert Hofman of the National University of Singapore said of the deceased, “He was a very enthusiastic open man who really strove to get China ahead and facilitated open dialogue with people from all walks of life,” on the Ocweedly Newsday program.


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