
News Update


Period trackers will be scrutinized due to data issues.

Due to data security concerns, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is evaluating period and fertility monitors.

Based on the user’s information, the apps plot menstrual cycles.

They claim to aid with a variety of menstrual-related health issues, including determining the optimal time to try to conceive.

However, according to poll results, many users are concerned about the security of the data they give and the transparency of app creators.

According to a research commissioned by the FDA, one-third of women have used apps to track their cycles or fertility.

Concerns regarding data openness were raised by 59% of respondents, while 57% were concerned about the security of the information they had submitted.

According to the study, more than half of respondents who use the apps feel they have seen an increase in baby or fertility-related advertisements since signing up. While some people responded positively to the promotion, 17% found it distressing.

The ICO’s deputy commissioner of regulatory policy, Emily Keaney, said the respondents’ concerns were legitimate “given the extremely sensitive and personal information involved.”

“As with all health apps,” she said, “we would expect organizations to protect their users’ privacy and have transparent policies in place.”

“The purpose of this review is to identify both the good and bad aspects of how the apps are currently working.”

Among the issues it will look into are whether app privacy policies are overly convoluted or ambiguous, leaving users unsure about what data they have agreed to share.

It will also look into whether apps are seeking or retaining excessive amounts of data, as well as whether users are receiving disturbing targeted advertising that they did not sign up for.

The ICO is encouraging app users to participate in a poll on its website to discuss their experiences. It is also arranging for focus groups and user testing. Women’s health organizations have also offered assistance.

The regulator has also contacted companies that offer period and fertility tracking apps, including some of the most popular applications available to UK users, to learn how they handle personal information.


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