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Uttar Pradesh: Indian bride flees after firing a gun at her wedding

Police in Uttar Pradesh, India’s northernmost state, are looking for a woman who fired a gun at her wedding.

On social media, a video showed the woman firing four rounds into the air while sitting next to her husband.

The woman, who has been missing since the incident, has been charged, according to local police.

Celebratory gunfire at weddings is common in some northern Indian states, resulting in injuries and even fatalities.

Anyone who uses a firearm “rashly or negligently or in celebratory gunfire,” putting others in danger, could face a jail term, a fine, or both, according to Indian law.

A court in Uttar Pradesh’s capital, Lucknow, ordered in 2016 that every case of celebratory firing be investigated, regardless of whether a police complaint had been filed.

According to the Times of India, the bride’s video was captured by a relative, who also shared it on social media.

According to police, the woman was “absconding” because she was afraid of being arrested.

A viral video from the western state of Maharashtra last week showed a sparkle gun backfiring in a bride’s face while she and her husband posed for wedding photos with them.


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