
News Update


What happens now that a fresh plan for the European Super League has been announced?

It was started 32 months ago but was quickly abandoned by nine of its 12 founding members.

This was in response to considerable criticism, which included then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Royal Family, represented by Football Association president Prince William.

However, the concept has been given new impetus. Simon Stone of BBC Sport evaluates a watershed moment in European football and speculates on what might come next.

The European Super League ban is unconstitutional, according to the court.
Supporters of the Super League suggest a new European club competition.
What occurred on Thursday?
According to a verdict issued by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg, world and European regulatory bodies Fifa and Uefa “abused a dominant position” by threatening Super League teams and players with sanctions and exclusion from important competitions.

It also stated that laws requiring prior clearance for “interclub football projects” were “unlawful” and that their sole power in negotiating commercial rights for competitions was a trade restriction.

The ECJ ruled that Fifa and Uefa’s restrictions on media rights exploitation were “harmful” to clubs, media businesses, and supporters.

A new European Super League (ESL) proposal was released within hours.

It was significant, drawing attention in the same manner that the launch had.

If anything, the response this time has been faster and more widespread.

Should the European Union be concerned?
There are several components to this. First and foremost, when they processed the initial release, Uefa authorities were taken aback.

However, when they began to read the details of the case, they discovered that they did not exactly match the harsh words on the ECJ press release.

Within the context of the lawsuit, it appeared that Uefa’s reputation as Europe’s footballing powerhouse was being validated.


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