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Cambodia: Prime Minister Hun Manet’s son Hun Manet is named the country’s next king in a ceremonial ceremony.

In a formality verifying the power transition, Cambodia’s long-term ruler’s eldest son was recognized as the country’s future premier.

Cambodia’s monarch issued a decree on Monday announcing that Hun Manet will succeed Hun Sen, who has governed for 38 years.

Hun Sen announced his resignation two days after the July 23 election, which opponents called undemocratic.

After the main opposition was prevented from voting, his party gained all but five seats in parliament.

After Hun Sen requested the formal notice in a letter, King Norodom Sihamoni issued the royal edict.

His appointment must still be ratified by parliament on August 22, but it is anticipated to sail through a National Assembly where Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party controls 120 of 125 members.

Hun Manet, 45, the former commander of the Royal Cambodian Army, has long been groomed for the post of leader.

His father originally mentioned a shift in 2021, but it wasn’t apparent when it would happen until July.

Hun Sen, on the other hand, announced his resignation barely three days after the election. He has controlled the Southeast Asian nation of 16 million people for nearly four decades, making him one of the world’s longest-serving presidents.

He stated at the time that he was quitting to guarantee Cambodia’s stability.

Hun Sen, on the other hand, stated that he will continue to lead the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, a position that political observers say still gives him complete authority.

Hun Sen’s reign has been increasingly autocratic since he took control following the fall of the Khmer Rouge government four decades ago, with opponents imprisoned or exiled.

Hun Sen reaffirmed the party’s landslide victory in the July election, which the US, EU, and other Western nations have stated was not free nor fair, over the weekend, in addition to celebrating his 71st birthday.

On Saturday, the outgoing leader also recognized Hun Manet’s election as a Phnom Penh MP, clearing the last procedural hurdle to his ascension to power.

Hun Manet hailed the outcome by uploading an Instagram photo of his kid delivering a bouquet of flowers to Hun Sen, captioned “Happy birthday to respected and beloved father.”

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