
News Update


Exit polls show that the center-right is in the lead, but doesn’t have a majority.

An early exit poll shows that Greece’s conservative New Democracy is likely to win Sunday’s elections, but they don’t have enough votes for a clear victory.

The party of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is on track to get between 36% and 40% of the vote.

Syriza, the party of Alexis Tsipras’s predecessor, is far behind on 25-29%.

If neither party can make a coalition, there will be a second round of voting in Greece at the beginning of July.


Experts in Greece have warned that the exit polls might not be accurate because many people didn’t want to say which party they voted for.

If the results are confirmed, Mr. Tsipras may try to form an alliance with Pasok, a rival party on the center-left that is expected to get between 9.5% and 12.5% of the vote, according to a poll done by six different polling groups.

Greece has been run by Mr. Mitsotakis’s center-right party for the past four years, and the country grew by close to 6% last year.

But a train accident in February that killed 57 people, many of them students, overshadowed the election campaign.

Opposition parties pointed to the disaster as a sign of a state that doesn’t work well because it has been cut down to the bare minimum after years of economic crisis and not enough investment.

A majority in Greece’s 300-seat government could be won with 40% of the vote four years ago.

Now, it takes more than 45% because the winning party no longer gets a 50-seat bonus in the first round. This makes it more likely that there will be a second round.


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