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French iPhone 12 warning: European regulators look at radiation levels alert

Following France’s request to halt sales, other European countries have stated that they will investigate claims that the iPhone 12 emits excessive electromagnetic radiation.

Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany are now looking into the matter as well.

The French regulator has given the tech giant two weeks to reply to its investigation, which German authorities fear might result in Europe-wide sanctions.

Apple stated that it had supplied proof that it was in compliance with radiation rules.

The National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) of France announced on Tuesday that radiation testing on the iPhone 12 revealed levels greater than permitted.

According to French digital economy minister Jean-Noel Barrot, the sales halt in France “could have a snowball effect.” The ANFR’s results will now be shared with regulators in other EU member states.

The Belgian government has asked its regulator to investigate if the iPhone 12, which was released in 2020, poses any health hazards.

“It is my responsibility to respond and ensure the safety and protection of all citizens of the kingdom from any potential danger.” “Health is an issue that should never be overlooked,” said Mathieu Michel, Belgian state secretary for digitization.

He told Le Soir that he had urged the regulator to look into all Apple devices first, then other brands.

According to the Dutch digital infrastructure organization (RDI), there was no question that radiation levels had been exceeded based on the French testing. The RDI stated that it would contact Apple, but there was “no acute safety risk.”

According to Germany’s BNetzA network agency, the French probe could lead to measures that apply to all EU member states.

Following the French prohibition, the United Kingdom has made no announcements.

Apple said it was appealing the French findings and had presented the ANFR with lab reports from the tech giant and third parties that demonstrated the device was regulatory compliance.

France’s digital economy minister predicted that Apple will be able to resolve the issue with a software update.

If that technique fails, Apple will be forced to return every iPhone 12 sold in France, according to the ANFR.

The regulator examines two radiation tests: the first analyzes a phone in close contact with a person’s body, such as when it is handled or placed in a trouser pocket, and the second at a somewhat greater distance, imitating a phone in a jacket pocket or a bag.

According to the ANFR, the iPhone 12 passed the second test but surpassed the levels stipulated in EU standards for the first.

The watchdog said it will verify Apple stores and other distributors to ensure the model was no longer available.

Smartphones have previously been removed from stores in France due to radiation tests, but this is the first time an iPhone has been affected.

According to the World Health Organization, numerous research have been conducted throughout the years to investigate potential health concerns from mobile phones.

“To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use,” the organization states on its website.


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