
News Update


Met Police question Russell Brand over alleged sex offenses.

The Sunday Times, the Times, and Channel 4’s Dispatches all conducted investigations into allegations of rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse leveled against the British comedian and actor.

Brand previously disputed the allegations.

The Metropolitan Police Service has confirmed that a man in his 40s visited a police station in south London on November 16, as first reported by the Times newspaper.

According to the police, he was interviewed under caution by detectives in connection with claims of “three non-recent sexual offenses.”

It stated that investigations were ongoing.

Following a number of complaints, the Met said in September that it will examine “non-recent” sexual offenses.

It added at the time that anyone who believed they had been a victim of a sexual offense should contact them “no matter how long ago it was.”

Earlier that month, the Times, Sunday Times, and Channel 4’s Dispatches programme reported that four women had accused Brand, 48, of sexual offenses, including rape, between 2006 and 2013.

According to the investigation, he also acted inappropriately at work, displaying predatory and dominating behavior.

Brand worked at Channel 4 and BBC Radio 2 during that time period.

According to the BBC, it got five complaints about Brand.
Russell Brand is the subject of a second police inquiry.
Police have received further allegations against Brand.
The BBC has reached out to Mr Brand for comment but has yet to get a response.

He has previously refuted those allegations, claiming that his relationships have “always” been mutual.

Brand posted a video on social media the day before the probe was published online in September.


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