
News Update


Ten persons were murdered in a wedding bus accident in Australia’s Hunter Valley.

A wedding bus disaster in an Australian wine region has resulted in at least 10 fatalities and 25 injuries.

The accident occurred on Sunday night as the travelers were leaving a wedding at a winery in Hunter Valley, a well-known destination for wine tourists.

The 58-year-old bus driver has been accused by the police with ten counts of unsafe driving that caused death.

They stated that the dead were still being identified.

However, it wasn’t reported that the newlyweds were aboard the bus.

The scene of the collision is still “an active crime scene,” according to police commissioner Karen Webb. “We’ve got forensics officers processing the crime scene, we’ve got crash investigation unit officers, and we’ve got rescue officers [on scene],” she continued.

According to police, there had been significant fog in the region when the accident happened at approximately 23:30 local time (13:30 GMT). While making a turn at a roundabout off of a highway, the bus had rolled over. According to authorities, the car has now been pulled upright.

The visitors were going to Singleton, according to Acting Assistant Commissioner Tracy Chapman of the NSW Police, “probably for their lodging.” She stated that two of the survivors were flown from the collision. One of them is reportedly still in critical condition, according to local media.

It is “so cruel, so sad, and so unfair” for a “joyous day in a beautiful place like that to end with such terrible loss of life,” according to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

At a press conference in Canberra, he remarked, “People hire a bus for weddings in order to keep their guests safe, and that just adds to the unimaginable nature of this tragedy.”

Some of the injured passengers, according to Mr. Albanese, are being treated at John Hunter Hospital, while several have been evacuated to Sydney.

The loss of so many lives, according to NSW Premier Chris Minns, is “nothing short of heartbreaking.” He continued, “The fact that this horrific crash happened on a day that should have been filled with love and happiness only adds to the heartbreak.”

“It is truly sad for a day of delight to end in such a devastating loss. “Those who have been hurt are also on our minds,” he continued.

New South Wales’ Hunter Valley is a well-liked destination for group outings and festivities because of its native bushland and vineyards.

The day had been a “fairy tale” up until the disaster was announced, a wedding guest remarked.

He admitted to 7 News, “We all started to panic.”

According to police, they are still trying to locate and identify the victims of the accident.

“Family and friends of a person who may have been on board the bus are urged to contact Cessnock Police Station,” they stated in a statement.


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