
News Update


Mason Greenwood, a Manchester United striker, will depart the club following an internal inquiry.

Greenwood was arrested in January 2022 as a result of charges involving internet content.

On February 2, 2023, charges against the 21-year-old England international, including attempted rape and violence, were dropped.

“All those involved, including Mason, recognize the difficulties with him resuming his career at Manchester United,” United stated in a statement.

“It has therefore been mutually agreed that he should do so away from Old Trafford, and we will now work with Mason to achieve that outcome.”

“We have concluded, based on the evidence available to us, that the material posted online did not provide a complete picture and that Mason did not commit the offenses for which he was originally charged.” However, as Mason publicly admits now, he has made mistakes for which he accepts responsibility.”

Greenwood admitted he “made mistakes” and accepted his “share of responsibility” in a statement, but added, “I did not do the things I was accused of.”

“Today’s decision was part of a collaborative process between Manchester United, my family, and me,” he stated. The greatest option for all of us is for me to continue my football career outside of Old Trafford, where my presence will not be a distraction to the club. I’d want to thank the club for their help since I joined when I was seven years old. There will always be a United part of me.

“I am extremely grateful to my family and all of my loved ones for their support, and it is now up to me to repay the trust that those around me have shown in me.” I want to be a better footballer, but more importantly, a better father and person, and to use my gifts positively both on and off the field.”

Greenwood’s contract at Old Trafford expires in 2025, and he may now be sold or loaned to another club for the balance of his deal.

He is still paid in full, but he will no longer train with United.

What is the context?
A guy, allegedly Greenwood, could be heard yelling at a lady to “move your [expletive] legs up” in video footage posted online. When the woman said she didn’t want sex, the male said, “I don’t give a [expletive] what you want, you little [expletive].”

The man then replies, “Push me again and watch what happens to you.”

Greenwood was charged with attempted rape, controlling and coercive behavior, and assault causing real bodily injury in October 2022.

Following his imprisonment, Nike terminated its sponsorship agreement with Greenwood, and Electronic Arts withdrew him from active squads in the Fifa 22 video game.

The Crown Prosecution Service stated that crucial witnesses had withdrawn and additional evidence had come to light after the charges were dropped in February 2023, implying that there was “no longer a realistic prospect of conviction.”

Greenwood was “relieved” at the moment, according to a statement made on his behalf.

United subsequently launched their own internal probe against the player, who had previously been designated one of Europe’s top five most valuable players.

Greenwood has one England cap and was sent home from the international camp where he earned it due to a “unacceptable” violation of coronavirus quarantine standards in Iceland.

The club claimed in a statement last week that they had obtained “extensive evidence and context not previously available in the public domain” and spoken to “numerous people with direct involvement or knowledge of the case.”

United chief executive Richard Arnold stated in an open letter to fans on Monday that the fresh evidence included the claimed victim asking the police suspend their investigation in April 2022, and the club getting alternative explanations for the information that was put online.

“While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts charged against him, Mason has accepted that he made mistakes for which he accepts responsibility,” Arnold said.

“I understand that people will judge me based on what they have seen and heard… and I know people will think the worst,” Greenwood added. “I was raised to believe that violence or abuse in any relationship is wrong.”

The investigation’s findings were scheduled to be announced before United’s first Premier League game of the season against Wolves on 14 August, but the decision was postponed amid heated discussion regarding Greenwood’s prospective return to Old Trafford.

What has transpired in the last several weeks?
A group of female United fans demonstrated outside Old Trafford before the Wolves game, demanding that the club “demonstrate a zero-tolerance approach” to violence against women.

Female Fans Against Greenwood’s Return issued a long statement claiming that Greenwood’s reintegration would send the message that “as women, we don’t matter.”

Before making a decision on Greenwood’s future, the club stated that they intended to confer with their women’s team, several of whom were members of England’s World Cup squad in Australia.

United made their choice as the Lionesses were on their way home.

United announced in a statement last Wednesday that the “fact-finding phase” of their inquiry was complete, and that a decision on Greenwood’s future, which lay with Arnold, was nearing completion.

According to The Athletic, United’s senior leadership team was informed in early August that Greenwood, who scored 35 goals in 129 games for the club, would be returning.

However, United stated that no decision had been taken and that it was “the subject of intense internal deliberation.”

The next day, television host Rachel Riley stated that if Greenwood was allowed to stay, she would cease backing United.

When it was announced that the club was considering bringing Greenwood back, a number of MPs criticized the move, with Labour MP Apsana Begum calling it “a stain on your club that will be difficult to forget.”

Female Fans Against Greenwood’s Return stated the club had “done the right thing, for the wrong reasons” after the news on Monday.

Women’s Aid, an organization dedicated to ending domestic violence against women and children, applauded United’s decision.

“We know that today’s news from Manchester United that Greenwood will be moving on will be a relief for many survivors of domestic and sexual abuse,” the organization stated in a statement.

“Because football is loved by so many people all over the world, and players are often idolized by fans, how alleged domestic abuse cases are handled in clubs has a huge impact on public understanding of what is acceptable and tolerated in society.”

“Since the deeply distressing initial allegations surfaced, this episode has been allowed to drag on far too long as the club has conducted an investigation,” claimed the Manchester United Supporters Trust.

“In addition, the complete lack of consultation with fans, even regarding the process, added fuel to the fire.” While the conjecture and discussion over the previous few weeks has been extremely detrimental and has reflected poorly on the club, it is evident that they have made the correct decision in the end.

“We are relieved that this matter is now behind us, and we will work with the club to ensure that lessons are learned from this extremely troubling episode.”

The Premier League mandated sexual consent training for players and staff in August 2022, six months after a coalition of women’s organisations urged the Football Association and Premier League to “confront a culture of gender-based violence.”

Two groups from that alliance, The Three Hijabis and the End Violence Against Women alliance, reaffirmed their appeal on Monday, saying Greenwood United’s departure was the “right outcome.”

“By focusing solely on the actions of individual players, football clubs and institutions can avoid accountability for their role in perpetuating a culture of silence and impunity,” they added in a statement.

“This is a structural issue that football must take responsibility for.”


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