
News Update


More English swimming pools that aren’t safe for kids

The Environment Agency (EA) checked 423 hotspots for swimming, mostly beaches, this summer for pollution that is known to be bad for swimmers’ health.

This was the highest number of “poor” ratings since the new method started.

The EA said that the results might have been affected by the rainy summer.

In this case, more rain means more water running off of roads and farms and into waterways, where it can do damage.

The UK government’s environment body gave “excellent” ratings to 281 bathing sites, which is 21 less than last year.

Compared to 2015, the same number of bathing sites met the basic standards of “sufficient” or better. However, the number of bathing sites rated as “poor” has gone up every year since 2015.

In response to the data, Water Minister Robbie Moore said, “Our bathing waters have improved significantly in recent years.” He also talked about plans for the government to put more money into water companies and regulate them more strictly.


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