
News Update

Business News

The first transatlantic flight utilizing only renewable fuels takes off.

It will take off at 11:30 a.m. GMT from London’s Heathrow airport to New York’s JFK airport, operated by Virgin Atlantic.

Airlines regard the journey, which is partially funded by the government, as evidence that a greener way of flying is conceivable.

However, supply remains an issue, and additional technologies will be required to meet emissions limits.

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) can be manufactured from a variety of sources, including crops, household garbage, and cooking oils.

A Boeing 787 will be loaded with 50 tons of SAF for this voyage. There are two varieties, with 88% generated from waste lipids and the rest from corn production waste in the United States.

The flight was cleared by the UK regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority, earlier this month after testing and analysis. The project has involved a variety of companies, including engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce and energy major BP.


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